Tabageos: Tads Basic Game Objects

Individual examples of each class and complete game examples.

The editor will show class and method descriptions and params as you type.

You can edit then re run each example by pressing the run button at the top of the editor.


Class Structure

Core Classes:

The core Classes that just about every game would use are;

  • CanvasObject The CanvasObject Class controls and references a html canvas element, with methods such as getPixel/setPixel and copyPixels.
  • CanvasAnimation A Class that controls animation onto a CanvasObject.
  • BlitMath A Class of static methods that aid in drawing scenes from a tileset.
  • GeometricMath A class of static methods that aid various geometry calculations and basic collision stuffs.
  • TweenMath The TweenMath.tweenArray method returns an Array of the numbers that make up a given tween from the given start and end values.

Character Classes:

  • "Skeleton" Classes are more or less abstract classes. They have some inner workings, but not full implementations.

  • "Map" Classes collide with the 2D tile map Array given to them. Either with or without jumping ability.

  • "Traveler" Classes have advanced movement behavior methods such as easeTo, circle and wander.

  • BlittedTraveler and its line of Classes do not directly implement collision detection but rather have methods and hooks ready for collision stuffs.


The one framework Class is the GameSkeleton Class, by extending it you get;

  • Title screen and game over screen automatically set up, then you just draw on them
  • Control for keyboard and touch already setup, and one property usb game pad setup, just set enableGamepad to 1.
  • automatic scene changes
  • Built in default level select display and buttons
  • Easy button setup
  • pixel typing methods for crisp text at any size and animating pixel type, built in pixel fonts
  • easy lighting effects

Full Playable Games

Robot Street Obliteration

Robot Street Ultra Upgrades

Adventures In Tmenya

Idle City Sim 2051



Source and Releases



MIT License.

Examples version 1.7