

Controlls the display of explosions (quick animations) onto a given CanvasObject.


new ExplosionFactory(eWidth, eHeight, countStop, spriteSheetX, spriteSheetY, poolAmountopt)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
eWidth Number

The default explosion width.

eHeight Number

The defauly explosion height.

countStop Number

The default explosion frame amount.

spriteSheetX Number

The default x position in the sprite sheet to draw from.

spriteSheetY Number

The default y position in the sprit sheet to draw from.

poolAmount Number <optional>

The amount of explosions to pool. Default is 51.




addExplosion(ex, ey, ecount, fromX, fromY, width, height, throttle)

Add an explosion to be displayed. ex and ey must be defined, the other values will default to what was set during construction.

call displayExplosions to display each added explosion.

Name Type Description
ex Number

The x location to display the explosion

ey Number

The y location to display the explosion.

ecount Number

the frame to start from, when it reaches countStop (defined during construction) the animation stops. Default is 1.

fromX Number

the x location to draw from the sprite sheet, will default to what was defined during construction.

fromY Number

the y location to draw from the sprite sheet, will default to what was defined during construction.

width Number

the width of the animation

height Number

the height of the animation.

throttle Number

Speed of the animation, default is 1.

displayExplosions(canvasObject, source)

Displays the addeded explosions onto the CanvasObject given, using the image source given. This method should be called during a loop.

Name Type Description
canvasObject CanvasObject

The CanvasObject to draw to.

source Image

The sprite sheet to draw from, an image.