

static methods for getting the position of the mouse.


new MouseController()


(static) mouseMoverPoint()

Returns the position of the mouse as a MoverPoint.

(static) mouseMoverPoint(origWidth, origHeight, scaledWidth, scaledHeight)

Defines the offset for the mouse based on the original width/height verses the scale width/height

Name Type Description
origWidth Number

The original width of the mouse area (typically the container)

origHeight Number

The original height of the mouse area

scaledWidth Number

The current width of the mouse area

scaledHeight Number

The current height of the mouse area

(static) mouseX()

Returns the x position of the mouse. No setup needed, just call tabageos.MouseController.mouseX() to get the x position of the mouse.

(static) mouseY()

Returns the y position of the mouse. No setup needed, just call tabageos.MouseController.mouseY() to get the y position of the mouse.