new GameSkeleton(specs)
Constructs a new GameSkeleton instance, this constructor should generally not be used. To use the GameSkeleton class you should extend it. Create a class that will extend GameSkeleton and within that class constructior call, specs);
function MyGame() {
var specs = { ... };//see below for details of the specs Object., specs);
MyGame.prototype = Object.create(tabageos.GameSkeleton.prototype);
MyGame.prototype.setupSpecifics = function() {
//your game setup specifics, all properties of GameSkeleton available via 'this'
//skin related stuffs would happen here, title styling, level setup, etc...
MyGame.prototype.loop = function(ts) {
//your specific game mechanics, all properties of GameSkeleton available via 'this'
//the meat of the game goes here, stuff that should happen every frame.
new MyGame();
class MyGame extends tabageos.GameSkeleton {
constructor() {
var gameSpecs = {...};
setupSpecifics = function() {
loop = function(ts) {
new MyGame();
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
specs |
Object | An Object defining the specifics of the game.
(static) _str
see tabageos.loadSpriteSheetAndStart in Utils.
(static) game :GameSkeleton
The instance of the constructed GameSkeleton, this is set during construction.
The sprite sheet Img used for level select display, it is built from __levelSelectSpriteSheetString during setupLevelSelect if this property is null.
A base64 string defining the level select sprite sheet. The default sheet has up to 38 levels. You can bring the default sprite sheet into an editor like gimp or photoshop to edit it. Save your edits, and bring it back to base64 and replace this string with your updated bsae64 string to change what level select looks like.
One way to have more than 38 levels is to copy the sprite sheet, and change the numbers, you could use just 1-30 then make another sheet with 31-60 in the same places as the 1-30 numbers. When the level reaches 30 during onSelectLevel change the __levelSelectSpriteSheetString to the image with numbers 31-60 and set this.__levelSelectSpriteSheet to null and call setupLevelSelect. Then during the onSelectLevel method, when the level is more than 30 you would add 30 to this.sceneChanger.currentScene and then call this.sceneChanger.changeCurrentMap(this.sceneChanger.currentScene);
This is the default level select sprite sheet base64 string:
__worker :Worker
A Worker created by the initWorkerLoop method. by default this worker is set up during construction.
- Worker
__workLoop :Number
When 1 and the __worker has been made then _loop is happening from the worker.
- Number
The amount of time in miliseconds that should pass before the game starts the next level after endLevel is called. Default is 1000.
Inside of _playerHUD by default on the top left of the screen.
_helperPoint :MoverPoint
A helper MoverPoint ready to be used.
_helperRect :Rectanlge
A helper Rectangle ready to be used.
- Rectanlge
A reference to the html div element that is the games hud in the right hand upper corner. It has pause mute reset exit and help buttons. It is automatically set up as part of construction.
A reference to the sprite sheet being drawn from. This is defined in the specs Object during construction as spriteSheetImage, see the specs Object in the constructor.
You can also load an Img into this param however you want, this property is what is used as the sprite sheet for the game.
see also tabageos.loadSpriteSheetAndStart
The inital lives that the game started with, default is 3.
_lightCanvas :CanvasObject
an offscreen canvas used to display light areas, initializeLights creates it.
Determines the initial composition mode for lighting. Default is 'destination-in'.
If 1 then sounds and music will not be heard. Change with the muteUnmute method.
An html div that is in the top left corner that contains the _healthBar and _scoreTextDisplay html divs. use showHealthBar/hideHealthBar showScoreText/hideScoreText to show/hide and style the playerHUD area.
Inside of _playerHUD by default on the top left of the screen.
addedInitializationMethod :function
Optionally set as part of the specs Object during construction
- function
addedResizeMethod :function
A method that does additional resizie related things, it would happen after the default resizing happens. By default the game will fill the screen if gameScale is 1, it will not scale if gameScale is 0, and it will be smaller from values greater than 1. when the game is smaller than the page it will be in the middle. addedResizeMethod is sometimes needed in cases where you have other stuff on the page besides the game.
This method is typically defined during construction as part of the specs param.
- function
additionalSceneResetSpecifics :function
A method that is similar to sceneResetSpecifics but would happen when the transition covers the screen. sceneResetSpecifics would happen before the transition, and additionalSceneResetSpecifics would happen when the screen is covered. See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
afterSceneChange :function
See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
alternateLoopMethod :function
A method that would replace the loop method. You can set this to a method, then call endLevel to transfer the loop to this method instead. Use the endLevelComplete method to return control to the loop method again. Similar in functionality as using the levelComplete method, but you store what the replacement method will be instead of pass it during method calls.
- function
By default the game will auto pause when focus is lost (for example going to another tab) You can change this property in your extending class after calling super but before calling initialConstruction. Or by passing it as part of the specs Object during construction. Default is 1, use 0 to not autoPause.
The default color for the backgroundLayer, default is "#ffffff".
backgroundLayer :CanvasObject
The background, bottom most layer added as a layer for the camera to draw from.
beforeStartGameLoop :function
See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
camera :BasicCamera
The horizontal offset amount the camera should follow the player
The vertical offset amount the camera should follow the player
The height of the camera view.
cameraLayer :CanvasObject
The displayed CanvasObject controlled by the camera.
cameraTweenType :String
The type of tween the camera will use, default us InOutLinear
- String
The width of the camera view.
charLayer :CanvasObject
charLayer is where characters and projectiles and scenery objects are drawn it's drawn on top of display.
The html div element that is the container of the root and controller html elements.
controller :ControllerPad
A reference to the ControllerPad instance
The height for the controller
A property ready to reference something showing credits, its not used by default.
If 1 then the device being used is a touch device.
Disable alpha for the backgroundLayer default is true.
display :CanvasObject
The display is where the scene is drawn it is on top of background, camera draws from it after backgroundLayer.
Don't resize horizontally during resize, default is 0.
Don't resize vertically during resize, default is 0.
enableGamePad :Number
If 1 or true then game pad is reeady for use. When true, then when a player presses one of the directional buttons of their game pad, it would prompt for them to define all buttons.
- Number
frameRate :Number
The frame rate for the game, default is 60.
- Number
frameTime :Number
The frame time, calculated based on frameRate.
- Number
fullResetSpecifics :function
A method that would happen as the game is reseting to the title screen. Typically you would use this to clear out Objects you have created and to stop event listeners you have made. If you have not added any objects other than defining the player, you would not have to worry about this method. if you have for example many enemies made, this method would be used to destroy them before the game resets. See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
gameFunction :function
your loop method that defines the specific mechanics of the game
- function
gameHeight :Number
The height of the game, set in specs during construction.
- Number
gameOverContainer :CanvasObjectContainer
This CanvasObjectContainer gets added as the last screen to the screenOrganizer.
The scale of the game, default is 1.01, this is set using the specs param during construction.
gameWidth :Number
The width of the game, set in specs during construction.
- Number
Will be 1 if health bar is displayed.
An html div that is part of the hud.
An html div that is part of the hud.
When set to greater than 0 the camera will constantly move horizontal instead of following the player.
An html div that is part of the hud.
An html div that is part of the hud.
The scale of the hud, default is 1.01, this is set using the specs param during construction.
An html div that is part of the hud.
initForISO :Number
This needs to be set as 1 if your making an isometric scene using the iso classes.
- Number
An optional MoverPoint defining the inital x and y location of the player. Set during construction as part of the specs param.
The lives of the player, default is 3.
If setupMouseTouchHandle has been called with 1 as a param, this property denotes if the mouse/touch is being held down or not.
Default is 32.
mousePoint :MoverPoint
When setupMouseTouchHandle has been used, this MoverPoint will have the location of the mouse/touch.
Denotes if the game is paused. Use the pause method to pause and unpause the game.
The player property needs to be defined. Normally you would define this property during initializationSpecifics. This property is referenced by various methods and needs to be a MapMover/MapTraveler or extension of.
positionResetSpecifics :function
A method that would change the position of the player during reset. By default the position of the player does not change on reset. See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
priorToSceneChange :function
See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
When 1 the it is assumed that root is being resized on a desktop.
The html element where the game will display, should be inside of the container element. When using a screenOrganizer (which by default a screenOrganizer is used) this property will reference a CanvasObjectContainer that has the actual element as its div property.
When either localSave or getLocalSaved are called and they fail, this property will be the error message.
sceneChanger :TileSceneChanger
sceneChangeSpecifics :function
See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
sceneResetSpecifics :function
A method that would happen just before the scene is reset. By default nothing happens on reset just the ScreenOrganizer will show the transition. To have something happen create a method that does things (this method happens before the transition starts) and pass it as this param or as specs.additionalSceneResetSpecifics. As with all these methods, the 'this' inside of them would be able to reference all GameSkeleton properties. See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
Will be 1 if score text is displayed.
screenOrganizer :ScreenOrganizer
By default this gets set up as a IrisScreenOrganizer with title, cameraLayer, and gameOverContainer screens.
soundSystem :SoundSystem
A html textarea that is added to/removed from container during the showText/hideText methods. The showText method has params for styling the speechBubble. The methods associated with this property are showText hideText textIsShown and textFinished
The html div that is the start button It gets added to the div property of the title CanvasObjectContainer.
startLocations :MoverPoint
The left and top location, as x and y, for the start button on the html page.
The height of each tile in maps, default is 16.
The width of eath tile in maps, default is 16.
title :CanvasObjectContainer
This CanvasObjectContainer gets added as the first screen to the ScreenOrganizer. cameraLayer is added as the second screen and gameOverContainer is the last screen. You can add html to the div property of a CanvasObjectContainer, or you can draw to its floor property which is a CanvasObject.
topDownSceneChange :Number
If set to 1 then up and down scene changes will happen automatically as well. By default, when there is a sceneChanger being used, only left and right scene changes happen.
- Number
The horizontal tween limit for the camera
The vertical tween limit for the camera
underCoverSpecifics :function
See the specs param of the constructor.
- function
Use a TileSceneChanger, default is true.
When set to greater than 0 the camera will constantly move vertically instead of following the player.
walkthroughLink :String
- String
(static) establish(gameInstance, spriteSheetImage, containerDivId, rootDivId, controllerDivId, gameScale, useScreenOrganizer, startWidth, startHeight)
This static method is called by the GameSkeleton constructor and should generally not be used. This method sets up, calls basicInitalize and does initial resizing of the game. To do everything this method does except ._image setup use the .__instanceBasicTwoLayerResize method on the instance. To recall this method once everything has already been constructed use the ._reEstablish method on the instance. If you want to change your whole sprite sheet on the fly, set it up manually to be GameSkeleton.__sprites as a CanvasObject. Or streamline it using the tabageos.loadSpriteSheetAndStart static Utility method, in which case it would also end up as the GameSkeleton.__sprites CanvasObject. then you would just use __sprites.copyPixels to change the sprite sheet itself.
Name | Type | Description |
gameInstance |
spriteSheetImage |
An html image a CanvasObject or the string 'streamline' |
containerDivId |
String | |
rootDivId |
String | |
controllerDivId |
String | |
gameScale |
Number | |
useScreenOrganizer |
Boolean | |
startWidth |
Number | |
startHeight |
Number |
(static) seeAndChanseRoutine(obj, enemies, player, helperPoint, chaseRadius, dontOnlyChaseToX, separationDistance, map, tw, th)
A see and chase routine for enemies, pass the enemy obj and other specs and the enemy will chase the player when it sees it. This routine is for platformers, for top down games simply use .chase and .update of a Traveler class.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
MapMover | The enemy that will chase the player |
enemies |
Array | optional, the Array containing obj and the other enemies, if passed, then obj will separate and align with the others in the array. |
player |
MoverSkeleton | the MoverSkeleton for obj to chase |
helperPoint |
MoverPoint | a premade MoverPoint to aid calculations, you can just pass this._helperPoint from the GameSkeleton Class. |
chaseRadius |
Number | The radius from player that obj must be to initiate chase, default is 128. |
dontOnlyChaseToX |
Boolean | default is false, by default obj will only chase the x position of player and will maintain its own y position. |
separationDistance |
Number | this distance to separate from other enemies found in the enemies Array, default is 48. |
map |
Array | optional 2D Array of tile values to collide with, values of 0 or [0,0] would be passable spots. |
tw |
Number | width of each tile in map, default is 16. |
th |
Number | height of each tile in map, default is 16. |
This method is basically the value of the static GameSkeleton.establish method, but using the instance, therefore no params are needed. if addedResizeMethod has been defined it will be called after resizing.
The styles being used for resizing are using the calc css property, so for example will be 'calc(50% - '+ (scaw/2) +'px)';
where scaw is the scale width or cameraWidth if no scale.
__loopWorker() → {Worker}
Creates a Worker that runs a frameRate based loop. Automatically called as part of construction of the class.
- Type
- Worker
if applyLights has been called (readyLights, animateLights and related methods all call applyLights internally) this method happens in _loop after the cameras tweenedBlitLayerRender method cameras cameraLayer globalCompositeOperation is changed to this._lightComp then it copys the _lightCanvas then its globalCompositeOperation is changed back to source-over.
_basicTwoLayerResize(cameraLayer, display, charLayer, cameraWidth, cameraHeight, controllerHeight, containerDiv, controllerInstance, gameScale)
Called by establish and __instanceBasicTwoLayerResize. This method resizes the container based on cameraWidth/Height and gameScale It is handling a call to tabageos.ResizeGame In general this method happens as part of construction and automatically. If you needed to resize the game manually use __instanceBasicTwoLayerResize.
Name | Type | Description |
cameraLayer |
display |
charLayer |
cameraWidth |
cameraHeight |
controllerHeight |
containerDiv |
controllerInstance |
gameScale |
A method that can happen as a loop alternate to enable gamePad use while the game is paused.
Name | Type | Description |
ts |
Number |
The main game loop, your specific game mechanics should be in gameFunction which is defined during construction as part of the specs Object.
Name | Type | Description |
ts |
Number |
Calls GameSkeleton.establish with instance properties.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event |
This method is automatically setup during showLevelSelect as a handler for each levels button. the display is cleared, sceneChanger.changeCurrentMap is called then onSelectLevel is called (which can be setup during construction as part of the specs Object) then BlitMath.specificPatternBlit is called with the sceneChanger currentMap, then BlitMath.dispatchFunctionAssignments is called with the sceneChangeSpecifics string method name passed during setupLevelSelect, this is the name of the method used for sceneChangeSpecifics. the changeToMainCamera is called.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event |
A full reset of the whole game ending with a call to _reEstablish
Name | Type | Description |
dontEstablish |
If true _reEstablsih will not be called, and so the method then acts as a destroy method. |
addToCustomHud(divID, style) → {Number}
Adds a div to the custom hud.
Name | Type | Description |
divID |
String | The id for the new div added to the custom hud, you can asign style to the id (in css) to style your custom addition |
style |
String | Style for the new div added to the custom hud, you can style via the id or you can pass in css style directly in this param |
Returns the part number of this addition, for example if it is the first part added the part number is 1 and so on.
- Type
- Number
animateAdditionalLights(canvasAnimation, toX, toY, speed, composition)
Displays and animates additional animated light. To display the animation call this method in a loop.
For multiple animated lights the methods used would be initializeLights, then animateLights then as many calls to animateAdditionalLights for each additional light. And both animateLights and the animateAdditionalLights calls would need to repeat in the main loop.
Name | Type | Description |
canvasAnimation |
CanvasAnimation | |
toX |
Number | |
toY |
Number | |
speed |
Number | |
composition |
Boolean |
animateLights(canvasAnimation, toX, toY, speed, composition)
This method turns on the first instance of animated light. To display the animation call this method during a loop.
Name | Type | Description |
canvasAnimation |
CanvasAnimation | A CanvasAnimation defining the lights animation from the _image |
toX |
Number | the x position of where to place the light |
toY |
Number | the y placement of the light |
speed |
Number | The desired speed of the animation, default is .5 |
composition |
Boolean | 1 for destination-in 2 for multiply. To define another do not pass this property and instead change the _lightComp protperty. |
animatePixelParagraph(startX, startY, lineSpace, paragraphTextByDots, canv, fw, fh, speed)
This method needs to be called repeatedly/during a loop to progress. Writes a paragraph of pixel text, letter by letter, each line in the paragraphTextByDots string should be denoted by a dot .
Name | Type | Description |
startX |
Number | The starting x position to type from |
startY |
Number | The starting y position to type from |
lineSpace |
Number | The line space amount, default is 9 |
paragraphTextByDots |
String | String of text with each line ending with a dot . |
canv |
CanvasObject | The CanvasObject to draw on default will be charLayer |
fw |
Number | font text width, default is the same as the tile width of each letter |
fh |
Number | font text height, defaul is the same as the tile height of each letter |
speed |
Number | The speed at which to type each letter, default is 1, less than one will go slower, the value should not be 0 or negative. |
animatePixelType(x, y, alphaText, speed, source, canv, lineFromX, lineFromY, tw, th, spacing, fw, fh) → {Number}
This method needs to be called repeatedly/during a loop to progress. Writes pixel text, letter by letter.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
Number | The starting x position to type from |
y |
Number | The starting y position to type from |
alphaText |
String | String of text to type. |
speed |
Number | The speed at which to type each letter, default is 1, less than one will go slower, the value should not be 0 or negative. |
source |
Img | Source Img to draw from, the img that has the pixel font line. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. If the line is in the sprite sheet then this should be; this._image |
canv |
CanvasObject | The CanvasObject to draw to. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
lineFromX |
Number | The x position in the sprite sheet that the pixel font line begins. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
lineFromY |
Number | The y position in the sprite sheet that the pixel font line begins. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
tw |
Number | The width of each tile that each letter of the pixel font line fits into. Default is 10. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
th |
Number | The height of each tile that each letter of the pixel font line fits into. Default is 10. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
spacing |
Number | The amount of spacing in between each letter typed, default is 8. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
fw |
Number | The width of each letter, default is same as tw. |
fh |
Number | The height of each letter, default is same as th. |
Returns the next character index to be typed or 0 when the alphaText is all typed.
- Type
- Number
appendButton(name, toTitle)
Appends the button with the given name.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the button to append |
toTitle |
Boolean | optionally signify that the button is to be on the title screen |
After calling setupStandardButtons, use appendStandardButtons to place them, and removeStandardButtons to remove them.
Appends the default start button on the title screen.
basicInitialize(containerDivId, rootDivId, displayWidth, displayHeight, cameraWidth, cameraHeight, controllerDivId, useScreenOrganizer, startWidth, startHeight, dontUseSceneChanger, justCreateController)
This method is automatically called as part of consctruction of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
containerDivId |
String | |
rootDivId |
String | |
displayWidth |
Number | |
displayHeight |
Number | |
cameraWidth |
Number | |
cameraHeight |
Number | |
controllerDivId |
String | |
useScreenOrganizer |
Boolean | |
startWidth |
Number | |
startHeight |
Number | |
dontUseSceneChanger |
Number | |
justCreateController |
Number |
see pixelType
callCamera(tsopt, pxoffsetopt, pyoffsetopt, playerPositionopt)
Makes one call to the camera to re render to the screen, for use after reseting the camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
ts |
Number |
<optional> |
optional delta time |
pxoffset |
Number |
<optional> |
optional added horizontal offset for the cameraPoint |
pyoffset |
Number |
<optional> |
optional added vertical offset for the cameraPoint |
playerPosition |
MoverPoint |
<optional> |
If present will first reset the camera around the player position. |
Cancels the animation frame.
Changes the frameRate and frameTime of the game. This method must be used if you want to change frameRate/frameTime after construction.
Name | Type | Description |
to |
Number | The frameRate to change to. |
Changes the speed at which Travelers move. Should be same as frameRate or lower.
This method changes TimeKeeper._sae to frameTime - Math.floor(frameTime); frameTime is 1000/to
Name | Type | Description |
to |
Number | The frameRate to calculate speed for. |
Changes the HUD background image.
Name | Type | Description |
imageString |
String | The base64 string of the image |
changeLightShade(dim, color)
Name | Type | Description |
dim |
Number | Will be the globalAlpha value of the lightCanvas context. |
color |
Number | Will be the fillStyle of the lightCanvas context. |
Change the main looping method from _loop to something else. The function passed would be the only method called during each cycle and no longer gameFunction. Use the restoreMainLoopMethod function to bring back gameFunction (called from _loop) as the main looping method.
This method is useful for making a title/options screen loop. In your initializationSpecs method you would call this method to swith to a title screen loop method. and then in the beforeStartGame method call restoreMainLoopMethod.
Name | Type | Description |
toThis |
function |
changeSceneEnemies(scene) → {Array}
Used to change the current set of enemy Objects being referenced. For example enemies = this.changeSceneEnemies(scene); would make enemies point to the array in the sceneChanger for the given scene.
Name | Type | Description |
scene |
Number | The number of the scene to get. |
The enemy Array in the sceneChanger referenced by the scene number
- Type
- Array
changeSceneScenery(scene) → {Array}
Used to change the current set of SceneryObjects being referenced. For example sceneryObjects = this.changeSceneScenery(scene); would make sceneryObjects point to the array in the sceneChanger for the given scene.
Name | Type | Description |
scene |
Number | The number of the scene to get. |
The stored Array in the sceneChanger referenced by the scene number
- Type
- Array
transitions to the main game screen and starts the main game loop. automatically called as part of a start button press from the title screen.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Creates _HUD and _playerHUD as html div elements, _HUD gets appended to the document body. _playerHUD gets appened to container. _playerHUD containes _healthBar and _scoreTextDisplay.
This method is automatically called as part of construction of a GameSkeleton.
Use the showHUD hideHUD removeHUD, showHealthBar hideHealthBar, showScoreText, hideScoreText and changeHUDBackgroundImage methods to manipulate the HUD and playerHUD.
Disables the auto pause feature, when enabled and the game looses focus pause and muteUnmute will be called. By default autoPause is enabled, to initially not enable it set autoPause to 0 during initial setup.
When called during construction, before initialConstruction is called, workers will not be used, for the ScreenOrganizer transition and for the main game _loop, instead requestAnimationFrame would be used. By default two workers are used to produce a frameRate based update tick independent from the main thread. By calling this method during construction you override the default behavior and revert back to all requestAnimationFrame calls for looping. Having workers run performs faster, which is the default setup.
On newer mobile devices using workers helps the game to perform better overall. On older web browsers and PCs, using requestAnimationFrame, therefore calling this method to not use workers, will animate smoother.
In any case if your game has many things going on, in general using workers will help it run faster overall. If it is a more simple game or mainly animation, requestAnimationFrame may be smoother. you can test out using just requestAnimationFrame by using this function, by default workers are used.
Enables the auto pause feature, when the game looses focus pause and muteUnmute will be called. The auto pause feature is enabled by default during basicInitialize if autoPause is 1.
Can be used to start an alternate loop. First define .alternateLoopMethod, then to have that alternate method happen instead of loop, call endLevel. After _endLevelTime, which is 1 second by default, the alternateLoopMethod would happen instead of _loop,
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Call this to finish and return from having called levelComplete A transition animation will happen then the main loop will start back.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
After you call this method, escape can be pressed to reset position in scene. a transistion would happen and positionResetSpecifics would be called if it is defined.
Resets the game to the title screen.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event |
gameComplete(gameCompleteMethod, autoToTitleTime)
Can be called when the game is complete, which switches the main loop to the gameCompleteMethod passed. Same as levelComplete but with less options, this method will switch the main loop to the gameCompleteMethod after 1 second. One second is given to ensure that the main loop has finished, this method causes the main loop to complete first, ending the request for animation frames. So you don't need to put a return after the call to this method, but its ok if you do. If autoToTitleTime is set, then fullResetToTitle will be called after that time, it should be more than 1 second.
Name | Type | Description |
gameCompleteMethod |
function | The method to switch the main loop to. Will receive a ts time stamp param. |
autoToTitleTime |
Number | If set then after this amount of milliseconds the game will reset to title, needs to be more than 1000 if set. |
gameOver(onlyRestPositionOnLooseLife, waitTime)
Subtracts 1 lives, if lives remains the scene is reset, if no lives it switches to the gameOverContainer screen (2) and waits for the start button to be pressed.
Name | Type | Description |
onlyRestPositionOnLooseLife |
Boolean | |
waitTime |
Number |
getButton(name) → {HTMLDivElement}
Returns the button with the given name.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String |
- Type
- HTMLDivElement
getCustomHudPart(partNumber) → {HTMLDiv}
Returns a reference to a div added to the custom hud via addToCustomHud
Name | Type | Description |
partNumber |
Number | The number of the div to get. The number will be in the order that you called addToCustomHud. |
A reference to the html div that was added to the custom hud.
- Type
Get the data of a localStorage item. If it can't, this method will return 0 and saveError will have any error message.
Name | Type | Description |
saveName |
String | The name of the localStorage item |
If the game is paused this method would cause a full reset to title. If the game is not paused this method causes a basic scene reset, leading to resetPosition being called.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Goto a scene right away without any transition.
The order of optional calls that would happen from this method being called is:
optional priorToSceneChange if it has been set
Then the sceneChanger changeScene method is called
then optional afterSceneChange if it has been set
then camera renderB1 and camera renderB2 to draw the scene.
The difference between this method and transitionToSceneByDoor
is that transitionToSceneByDoor does a transition first then calls the above methods as the transition ends.
Name | Type | Description |
sceneToGoTo |
Number | The number of the scene to go to. |
Set up by the setupMouseTouchHandle method, handles mousemove, touchmove and pointermove down/up events. Calculates the cords of the touch/mousedown position, and puts them in mousePoint.x and mousePoint.y
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event |
Hides the custom hud (same as hideHealthBar)
Hides the health bar.
Hides the _playerHUD and the _HUD, setting their display to none.
hides the level select display. This method is called by showLevelSelect if the level select display is already shown.
Hides score text.
Hide any text that was shown via showText
This method gets set up as the event handler for the x button in the hud. If not on the title screen will cause a reset to the title screen.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
This method gets set up as the event handler for the question mark in the hud. If walkthroughLink has been defined and includes 'http' then when the question mark in the hud is clicked/touched the link would open in a new tab.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Used by the shake method.
Name | Type | Description |
time |
Number | Amount of time to shake in milliseconds |
The actual class construction method, for use after a super call, it is used during construction or a super call if specs are passed. To extend the GameSkeleton with es6 class syntax and the use of 'this' in the specs Object, first call super without a param, then this method with a specs Object.
Name | Type | Description |
specs |
Object |
initializeLights(dim, color, composition)
Call this first to set up lighting. Then just call readyLights or animateLights, and then readyAdditionalLights or animateAdditionalLights if needing more than 1 light. a dim as 1 and composion as 1 causes the whole screen to be black except for the light areas. Performance actually increases significantly when that is done because most of the screen becomes just black. But a 2 composition and decimal dim values will slow down the game if used in too large of an area or with too many lights. But if what your after is a grey day effect or some similar color application to the whole scene a decimal dim and some color value with a 2 composition is what to use. If you want for example fire to be lit around the player, a dim of 1 with red as the color and 2 as composition would allow for that, and you'd have a colored fire animation that you'd then pass to animateLights.
Name | Type | Description |
dim |
Number | |
color |
Number | |
composition |
Number |
initVolumeSliderAnimation(x, y, clayer, nox)
Call this to establish the volume slider.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
Number | the x position to place the volume slider |
y |
Number | the y position to place the volume slider |
clayer |
CanvasObject | the CanvasObject to draw the volume slider animation on. |
nox |
Boolean | To not show an x for closing the volume slider loop, default is false, an x is shown, if your showing the slider as part of a different screen, then you might not need the x. |
Creates a Worker that runs a frameRate based loop. And sets _loop to run on that independent loop. This method is called as part of basicInitialize which is called as part of construction.
If a Worker can not be used, then requestAnimationFrame is used to repeatedy call _loop, and that call is then throttled using the _thrott and _pr properties. You can change what function the worker/requestAnimationFrame is calling by using the changeMainLoopMethod method. That function happens at the frameRate you set with the changeFrameRate function, by default 60 frames a second.
This method gets called as part of construction and a worker starts running _loop by default, but nothing happens in _loop until the start button is pressed. If a worker can not be set up, then requestAnimationFrame using _loop happens when the start button is pressed.
levelComplete(levelCompleteMethod, levelCompleteTime, dontRunAlternate)
Can be called when a level is complete, or to simply do something else using the main loop, it will switch the main loop to the levelCompleteMethod passed.
To give back the loop to the game loop method you can set _doAlternate to 0, which would switch it back immediately. Or you can call endLevelComplete() which will show a transition and then set _doAlternate to 0 for you, potentially calling positionResetSpecifics, and then underCoverSpecifics, before the transition ends. Or you can pass a levelCompleteTime which will cause endLevelComplete to happen after that time.
If you want to sleep the main loop for a time, you would use this method with an empty levelCompleteMethod passed in, for example this.levelComplete(function(ts) {}, 7000); would cause the game to effectively pause for 7 seconds, afterward show transition and resume
Name | Type | Description |
levelCompleteMethod |
function | The function that should replace the main loop, ts time stamp will be passed to it. |
levelCompleteTime |
Number | Optional millisecond amount of time until main loop should resume, main loop will resume after this amount of time if set. |
dontRunAlternate |
Boolean | It true the alternate loop will run but void of the levelCompleteMethod, it would just be like a pause in the thread So if you set this to true and do not pass a levelCompleteTime, what happens is that the game effectively pauses, but you would need to call endLevelComplete to come out of it, or set _doAlternate to 0. |
lightType(number) → {String}
will return the current composition type when nothing is passed.
Name | Type | Description |
number |
Number | 1 is 'destination-in' and 2 is 'multiply' 0 would have it return whatever _lightComp is currently set to. |
- Type
- String
localSave(saveName, saveData)
Uses localStorage to save the data. If the save fails, this method will return 0 and saveError will have any error message.
Name | Type | Description |
saveName |
String | The name to use for the localStorage item |
saveData |
String | The data to save. |
makeButton(name, x, y, width, height, methodToCallString, altString, linkString, forTitle)
Creates a clickable/touchable button.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name for the button, must be unique |
x |
Number | The x location of the button on the whole game size. |
y |
Number | The y location of the button |
width |
Number | The width of the button |
height |
Number | The height of the button |
methodToCallString |
String | The name of the method to call when the button is selected. This method should exist on an extension of GameSkeleton or be one of the GameSkeleton methods, for example pause. |
altString |
String | The string to show when a player hovers over the button |
linkString |
String | a link string to a website, if this is set then the button will be an 'a' element instead of a div element, and the link would open in a new page. |
forTitle |
Boolen | If this is set the button will be labeled to be on the title screen instead of the main container. |
During basicInitialize this method is added as the back button handler of the controller.
If the currentScreen of the screenOrganizer is the game over screen, then this method causes hudExit.
If the currentScreen of the screenOrganizer is the main game screen, then this method causes goBack.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
During basicInitialize this method is added as the start button handler of the controller. On the title screen, changeToMainCamera would be called. On the main game screen pause would get called. On the game over screen hudExit would get called.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
You can call this method to go back to the previous scene, it would be like calling gotoSceneByDoor, but for just going back to whatever scene is previous. These move methods are working with the sceneChanger.
Change to the scene beyond the current scene. 2 + 1 This method is using the sceneChanger.
You can call this method to go foward one scene. This method is using the sceneChanger.
Change to the scene previous to the current. 2 - 1. This method is using the sceneChanger.
Mutes or unmutes any sound/music playing. This method gets added as the event handler for the sound button in the hud.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event |
Pauses and unpauses the game.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event |
pixelDialogBox(dialog, dx, dy, tx, ty, lineSpace, animate, speed, fw, fh, canv, dialogBackFromRect, source)
Displays a dialog box and text. This method does not position the text so that it is only with the bounds of the box, you will need to test and adjust the length of your sentences as needed. For large amounts of text the default ClintBlock font is most likely big, use the OldSchool font instead or a custom pixel font that is 5x5 or less. By default the dialog space available is 210x50. You can change that via the optional params.
To have the dialog appear above everything be sure to call this method last in the loop. Or you can add a layer to the camera just for displaying text. If you use the display as the canv the dialog box will not be cleared. By default charLayer is used which means unless you keep calling this method or stop the loop, the dialog disapears on the next iteration of the game loop.
Name | Type | Description |
dialog |
String | The string to type, each new line should end with a dot . |
dx |
Number | The x position of the dialog box |
dy |
Number | The y position of the dialog box |
tx |
Number | The x position of the text |
ty |
Number | The y position of the text |
lineSpace |
Number | The line space amount, default is 9 |
animate |
Boolean | If true then the text is displayed one letter at a time based on speed, and this method would need to be called repeatedly (called in a loop) to progress. |
speed |
Number | The speed at which to type each letter, default is 1, less than one will go slower, the value should not be 0 or negative. |
fw |
Number | font text width, default is the same as the tile width of each letter |
fh |
Number | font text height, defaul is the same as the tile height of each letter |
canv |
CanvasObject | The CanvasObject to draw on, default will be charLayer. |
dialogBackFromRect |
Rectangle | Optional Rectangle defining the location of your custom dialog background image in the source. By default a 210x50 paperish looking dialog background is used. |
source |
Image | Optional source image for the dialog background, if your using a custom background from the sprite sheet this param should be the sprite sheet; this._image. |
pixelParagraph(startX, startY, lineSpace, paragraphTextByDots, canv, fw, fh)
Writes a paragraph of pixel text, each line in the paragraphTextByDots string should be denoted by a dot .
Name | Type | Description |
startX |
Number | The starting x position to type from |
startY |
Number | The starting y position to type from |
lineSpace |
Number | The line space amount, default is 9 |
paragraphTextByDots |
String | String of text with each line ending with a dot . |
canv |
CanvasObject | The CanvasObject to draw on default will be charLayer |
fw |
Number | font text width, default is the same as the tile width of each letter |
fh |
Number | font text height, defaul is the same as the tile height of each letter |
pixelType(x, y, alphaText, source, canv, lineFromX, lineFromY, tw, th, spacing)
Types pixel text. There are 3 pixel fonts built into the GameSkeleton Class; ClintBlock OldSchool and GoodNeighbors. You can change which one is used by calling useClintBlockFont, useOldSchoolFont, or useGoodNeighborsFont. By default ClintBlock is used.
Or you can use your own custom pixel font by including it as a line of text in your sprite sheet. (or you can load the line as an image and pass it in as the source) The pixel font needs to be in one straight horizontal line in your sprite sheet, take note of the x,y start of the line, and the width and height of each tile that each letter is in, the start of the numbers (0-9) from the beginning of the line, the start of the lower case letters (a-z) from the beginning of the line, and the start of the upper case letters from the beginning of the line.
Then, first call calibratePixelType with the start of the numbers, and the starts of the letters, and the tile width and height. then you can call setPixelTypingSpecs to set all the specs this method, pixelType, will use, or you can keeping passing them into this methods call.
So, for example, lets say we have a line of pixel font in the sprite sheet and that line starts at position 500,500.
And, lets say that each letter is spaced 8x8,
so our tile spacing when looking at the font in our image editor (like GIMP) is 8x8.
There are some other characters in the line before the number chacters most likely,
we select from the beginning of the line up to the start of the zero, and the length of that selection is the start of the number characters.
we select from the beginning of the line up to the start of the "a", and the length of that selection is the start of the lower case letter characters.
we select from the beginning of the line up to the start of the "A", and the length of that selection is the start of the upper case letters.
And those are the values we need to set everything up; the x,y position of the font line in the sprite sheet
the width/height of each character tile
the start of the number characters, and the starts of the letter characters.
1. calibratePixelType(start of the number characters, start of lower case leetters, start of upper case letters, tile width, tile height)
for example (150,320,160,8,8)
[if any character set is not in your line, for example if there are no upper case, then you would put null for upper case, not 0]
2. setPixelTypingSpecs(source, canvas, x position of the font line, y position of the font line, tile width, tile height, spacing)
Then you can use this method, pixelType, with just the first three params, to type your custom pixel text.
The cords being used to position the text are the full gameWidth and height.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
Number | x position to type at |
y |
Number | y position to type at |
alphaText |
String | String of text to type. |
source |
Img | Source Img to draw from, the img that has the pixel font line. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. If the line is in the sprite sheet then this should be; this._image |
canv |
CanvasObject | The CanvasObject to draw to. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
lineFromX |
Number | The x position in the sprite sheet that the pixel font line begins. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
lineFromY |
Number | The y position in the sprite sheet that the pixel font line begins. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
tw |
Number | The width of each tile that each letter of the pixel font line fits into. Default is 10. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
th |
Number | The height of each tile that each letter of the pixel font line fits into. Default is 10. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
spacing |
Number | The amount of spacing in between each letter typed, default is 8. Can be defined for all calls using setPixelTypingSpecs. |
places each clickable/touchable level select div. This method is called as part of showLevelSelect.
Name | Type | Description |
ontitle |
Boolean | If true the divs get added to title.div instead of container. |
playMusic(soundString, loopopt, stypeopt)
Loads and plays music. Quick sounds should be loaded and played with playSound. When called with different music the first track stops.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
soundString |
String | The name of the music track to play, by default it will play soundString".ogg", to change what type is loaded use the stype param. |
loop |
Number |
<optional> |
1 | To loop the track or not, default is 1, it loops by default. |
stype |
String |
<optional> |
".ogg" | The type of music file to load, default is '.ogg'. |
playMusic(soundString, loop, stype)
plays the music as defined by its soundString name. By default soundString +".ogg" would be loaded. Only 1 music track can play at a time, when this method is called any previous tracks are cleared
Name | Type | Description |
soundString |
String | The name of the sound, by default the sound to load will be soundString + ".ogg" |
loop |
Number | loop the track, defalt is 1 true, the track will keep replaying by default. |
stype |
String | Optional alternate type of sound to load/ending of file name, default is '.ogg' which is added to soundString. |
playSound(soundString, poolAmount, stypeopt)
Loads and plays a sound.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
soundString |
String | The name of the sound to play, by default it will play soundString".ogg", to change what type is loaded use the stype param |
poolAmount |
Number | The number of sounds to pool, if the sound is going to be a quick fire sound, like a bullet, then it needs to be pooled at least by 2 or 3. |
stype |
String |
<optional> |
".ogg" | The type of sound file to load, default is '.ogg'. |
playSound(soundString, poolAMount, stype)
plays the sound as defined by its soundString name. If the sound is not already loaded it will be loaded. By default soundString +".ogg" would be loaded. It will load and create a default pool of 2, with a pool quick back to back full one shots are possible, increase the optional poolAmount as needed. The stype param can be used to change the type.
Name | Type | Description |
soundString |
String | The name of the sound, by default the sound to load will be soundString + ".ogg" |
poolAMount |
Number | optional amount to pool the sound, default is 2. |
stype |
String | Optional alternate type of sound to load/ending of file name, default is '.ogg' which is added to soundString. |
readyAdditionalLights(fromRect, toX, toY, composition)
To turn on additional lights, after initializeLights and readyLights have been used, call this method. readyLights turns on the first instance of a light, calling it again will first turn off any lights
Name | Type | Description |
fromRect |
Rectangle | |
toX |
Number | |
toY |
Number | |
composition |
Boolean |
Readys the camera for auto horizontal movement, call this to horizontally align the camera to the player for auto horizontal movement, auto horizontal movement is achieved by setting horizontalCameraMove to a number greater than 0. in your setup method you would call this method if you have also set horizontalCameraMove to greater than 0. the camera would align with the player based on cameraFollowOffsetX and continue to move horizontally based on the vale of horizontalCameraMove.
If you don't call this method then the camera may not be aligned with the player when it starts auto moving.
readyLights(fromRect, toX, toY, composition)
After calling initializeLights, call this method to turn on and apply one instance of lights.
Name | Type | Description |
fromRect |
Rectangle | Where in the _image to copy the lights from. |
toX |
Number | x location to place the light |
toY |
Number | y location to place the light |
composition |
Number | 1 for destination-in 2 for multiply. To define another do not pass this property and instead change the _lightComp protperty. |
Readys the camera for auto vertical movement, call this to vertically align the camera to the player for auto vertical movement, auto vertical movement is achieved by setting verticalCameraMove to a number greater than 0. in your setup method you would call this method if you have also set verticalCameraMove to greater than 0. the camera would align with the player based on cameraFollowOffsetY and continue to move vertically based on the vale of verticalCameraMove.
If you don't call this method then the camera may not be vertically aligned with the player when it starts auto moving.
Removes all buttons including the start button.
removeButton(name, fromTitle)
Removes the button with the given name.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the button to remove |
fromTitle |
Boolean | optionally signify that the button is on the title screen |
Removes all divs added with addToCustomHud
removes all HUD event listeners and removes the _HUD from the document body, and removes _playerHUD from container.
Remove the level select button.
removes each clickable/touchable level select div. This method is called as part of hideLevelSelect
Name | Type | Description |
fromtitle |
Boolean | Denotes if they are on the title screen or not |
After calling setupStandardButtons, use appendStandardButtons to place them, and removeStandardButtons to remove them.
Removes the default start button from the title screen
Use this method to remove the volume slider after having called initVolumeSliderAnimation and volumeSliderLoop
Replaces all buttons including the start button.
This methos is used internally by other methods to reset scene or position.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event | A key event, or Object, with keyCode of 82, 299 or 399. 82 would reset position, 299 would reset the scene, and 399 would end the level. |
Potentially calls positionResetSpecifics if it has been set. Restarts the main loop.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Potentially calls positionResetSpecifics then additionSceneResetSpecifics, if they have been defined. Then restarts the main game loop after 1 second.
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Restore _loop as the main cycle, which in turn is calling your gameFunction defined during construction.
- See:
- changeMainLoopMethod
setPixelTypingSpecs(source, canv, lineFromX, lineFromY, tw, th, spacing, font)
Sets specs for the pixelType method.
see pixelType
Name | Type | Description |
source |
Img | The source image that has the pixel font line |
canv |
CanvasObject | The CanvasObject to draw to. |
lineFromX |
Number | The starting x position of the pixel font line in the source. |
lineFromY |
Number | The starting y position of the pixel font line in the source. |
tw |
Number | The width of each tile that each letter fits into. |
th |
Number | The height of each tile that each letter fits into. |
spacing |
Number | Spacing between each letter that will be typed. |
font |
Number | Default font to use, 1, 2 or 3. 1 for ClinBlock, 2 for OldSchool, 3 for GoodNeighbors. |
Setup a custom hud. It's called setupCustomHealthHud because the _healthBar div is being used, but you can utilize html to style/position it in any way.
By default there is a right side HUD with 4 buttons and on the left a basic health bar is displayed using calls to showHealthBar/hideHealthBar. This method will hide the default right side HUD and gets the _healthBar left side area ready to be custom styled.
Name | Type | Description |
backgroundId |
String | The id for the html div holding your custom hud, assign css to the id to style and positon the background of your custom hud |
setupLevelSelect(lsButtonX, lsButtonY, lsButtonWidth, lsButtonHeight, amountOfLevels, titleScreenFromRect, setupMethodString, dontAppend)
Use to setup a Level Select (named "levelSelect") button on the title screen and initialize level select functionality. Your GameSkeleton extension needs to be using a sceneChanger (which is the default) in order for level select to work.
Name | Type | Description |
lsButtonX |
Number | x location of the level select button |
lsButtonY |
Number | y location of the level select button |
lsButtonWidth |
Number | width of the level select button |
lsButtonHeight |
Number | height of the level select button |
amountOfLevels |
Number | amount of levels, default max is 38, see the __levelSelectSpriteSheetString property. |
titleScreenFromRect |
Rectangle | a rectangle defining where to draw from in the sprite sheet for the title background (the actual button image would be part of the background) |
setupMethodString |
String | a string defining the setup method, this method name should be the name of the method used for sceneChangeSpecifics (as defined in the specs Object during construction of a GameSkeleton extension) |
dontAppend |
Boolean | If true the level select button would get made but not appended to the title screen, default is false. |
Sets up everything such that the mousePoint MoverPoint has the cords of where the game is being moved moused over or touched moved. If the handleMouseHeldDown param is true then also mouseIsDown will be available.
Name | Type | Description |
handleMouseHeldDown |
Boolean | Default is false. If true then mouseIsDown will be set up, then if the game is being touched or clicked mouseIsDown would be 1. |
setupStandardButtons(pauseX, pauseY, pw, ph, homeeX, homeY, hw, hh, muteX, muteY, mw, mh, linkX, linkY, lw, lh, linkaltstring, thelink)
Sets up pause, home, mute, and link buttons. After calling this method, use appendStandardButtons to place them, and removeStandardButtons to remove them.
Name | Type | Description |
pauseX |
Number | x location of pause |
pauseY |
Number | y location of pause |
pw |
Number | width of pause, default is 16 |
ph |
Number | height of pause, default is 16 |
homeeX |
Number | x location of home button |
homeY |
Number | y location of home |
hw |
Number | width of home, default is 16 |
hh |
Number | height of home, default is 16 |
muteX |
Number | x location of mute button |
muteY |
Number | y location of mute |
mw |
Number | width of mute, default is 16 |
mh |
Number | height of mute, default is 16 |
linkX |
Number | x location of link button |
linkY |
Number | y location of link |
lw |
Number | width of link, default is 16 |
lh |
Number | height of link, default is 16 |
linkaltstring |
String | A string for the link title |
thelink |
String | The http link string, for example |
This method shakes the container for the specified time. this method is used in conjunction with the _loop method. this method is controlling camera.shake for you, utilizing also the includeShake method. You have more control over what shakes and how it shakes using the BasicCamera's shake methods directly. But this method is the easiest way to simply shake the screen.
Name | Type | Description |
time |
Number | Amount of time to shake in milliseconds |
showCustomHud(health, firstColor, secondColor, height, replacementStyle, additionalStyle)
Shows the custom hud (same as showHealthBar, but in this case it may not be being used as a health bar, it's just that _healthBar is the space used for the custom hud)
Name | Type | Description |
health |
Number | The amount of health, also the width of the healthbar. |
firstColor |
String | an html color value |
secondColor |
String | am html color value |
height |
Number | the height of the health bar |
replacementStyle |
String | An optional style that would replace the default style, thereby the firstColor and secondColor and height params would not be used. Use this param to style the health bar yourself. |
additionalStyle |
String | A style that would be added to the default style. |
showHealthBar(health, firstColor, secondColor, height, replacementStyle, additionalStyle)
Shows and styles the _healthBar. _healthBar is an html div element.
Name | Type | Description |
health |
Number | The amount of health, also the width of the healthbar. |
firstColor |
String | an html color value |
secondColor |
String | am html color value |
height |
Number | the height of the health bar |
replacementStyle |
String | An optional style that would replace the default style, thereby the firstColor and secondColor and height params would not be used. Use this param to style the health bar yourself. |
additionalStyle |
String | A style that would be added to the default style. |
Shows the _playerHUD and the _HUD, setting their display toblock. And then calls __instanceBasicTwoLayerResize
First call setupLevelSelect to setup everything.
Then this method pauses the game and shows the level select display, if already displayed this method would hide the level select display.
Name | Type | Description |
latestLevel |
Number | The latest level that can be selected, default is 1. |
showScoreText(value, topPosition, width, height, additionalStyle)
Shows and styles score text in the _scoreTextDisplay html div element.
Name | Type | Description |
value |
String | |
topPosition |
Number | |
width |
Number | |
height |
Number | |
additionalStyle |
String |
showText(text, ttime, tsz, wth, hgt, tp, lft, fontfamilyname, backgroundCss, additionalCss)
Shows html text in a textArea using the given parameters.
For the most versatility, use the pixel font methods to display text.
This showText method exists for quick basic html text showing, to re-style it use the additionalCss param.
Name | Type | Description |
text |
String | |
ttime |
Number | The amount of time in millisecods to show the text, default is 4000 |
tsz |
Number | font size default is 16 |
wth |
Number | width of the text area default is 44% |
hgt |
Number | height of the text area default is 44% |
tp |
Number | the top html css value default is 0 |
lft |
Number | the left html css value default is 0 |
fontfamilyname |
String | family name of the font to use |
backgroundCss |
String | Optional css for the background css property of the text area |
additionalCss |
String | any optional additional css for the text area |
Stops the game loop and resets postion, the transition shows, then main loop would start again. And positionResetSpecifics would get called if it is set.
starts the main game loop, this method is automatically setup as part of what happens when the start button is pressed from the title screen. typically you don't need to call it manually. Use the beforeStartGameLoop construction specs param to define a method that would happen just before the main loop starts.
Name | Type | Description |
gameFunc |
function | If gameLoop has not been defined in specs during construction and a method is passed for this param, then it will become gameFunction. Otherwise gameLoop passed in the specs Object becomes gameFunction. |
Remove mouse/touch cord capture ability.
textFinished() → {Boolean}
Returns true when text from showText is almost finished being shown.
- Type
- Boolean
textIsShown() → {Boolean}
Returns true if text is shown via showText.
- Type
- Boolean
transitionToSceneByDoor(scene, transitionTime)
Will transition to the scene after a default 1000 milliseconds. To have something happen during transition set the priorToSceneChange / afterSceneChange methods.
Name | Type | Description |
scene |
Number | The scene number from the TileSceneHolder to transition to. |
transitionTime |
Number | Default is 1000, scene will change after this millisecond delay. |
Trashes all buttons. Call removeAllButtons first in order to destroy all buttons.
Trashes the button with the given name, it would have to be remade. Call removeButton first if your trying to destroy the button.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the button to trash |
turnOffLights(dim, apply)
Sets _lightCanvas globalAlpha to dim or _lightDim and clears the _lightCanvas
Name | Type | Description |
dim |
Number | |
apply |
Boolean |
turnOnLights(fromRect, toX, toY, apply)
Draws from this._image onto the _lightCanvas, and applies _lightCanvas if the apply param is set. This method is used by readyLights and readyAdditionalLights, animateLights and animateAdditionalLights.
Name | Type | Description |
fromRect |
Rectangle | |
toX |
Number | |
toY |
Number | |
apply |
Boolean |
updateAndResetCamera(horizontalOffset, verticalOffset)
Updates and resets the camera with optional offsets.
Name | Type | Description |
horizontalOffset |
Number | |
verticalOffset |
Number |
Update each _map property in the Array of MapMovers given to match this.player._map
Name | Type | Description |
enemies |
Array | An Array of MapMovers |
Update each _map property in the Array of SceneryObject given to match this.player._map
Name | Type | Description |
sceneryObjects |
Array | An Array of SceneryObjects |
Sets the default pixel font to the built in ClintBlock font. see pixelType
Sets the default pixel font to the built in GoodNeighbors font. see pixelType
Sets the default pixel font to the built in OldSchool font. see pixelType
valuesMatch(v1, v2) → {Boolean}
Used to see if two 1d Arrays match, can be used with Numbers as well
Name | Type | Description |
v1 |
Array | |
v2 |
Array |
- Type
- Boolean
Use this as a levelComplete method or call during a loop to show the volume slider control, after first calling initVolumeSliderAnimation once.
You can use this method after initVolumeSliderAnimation to change the volume slider position.
This method is used as the alternate loop methoed when gameOver has been called with no lives when start is pressed it will fullResetToTitle
Name | Type | Description |
ts |
Number |